Friday, January 18, 2008

Soal Subjuntive

1. Vini : “Why are you so sad, Selvi?”

Selvi : “Well, my business went bankrupt.”

Vini : “I wish you _____ disappointed with your failure.”

a. are not b. were not c. won’t be d. can’t be e. haven’t been

2. I wished I _____ you from the first sight.

a. am loving b. love c. loved d. had love e. will love

3. He acts as if he _____ an actor.

a. Is b. were c. has been d. will be e. can be

4. I didn’t know her but she behaved as though she _____ me.

a. Know b. knows c. have know d. has know e. had known

5. I met a beautiful girl in the party last night.

I wished I had known her , so I could ask to accompany me.

The underlined sentence means; ______.

a. I didn’t know her d. I want to known her

b. I knew her very well e. I had known her

c. I have known her for a long time

6. Agung has been working in the company for a month as an ordinary worker, but know he acts as if he were the supervisor.

a. Agung is a supervisor d. Agung has been promoted a supervisor

b. Agung wiil be promoted a supervisor e. Agung would be promoted a supervisor

c. Agung is not a supervisor

7. Selvi pretended that she hadn’t loved Agung. The sentence means; ______.

a. She doesn’t loved him d. She will never love him

b. She loved him e. She didn’t love him

c. She would love him

8. Vini wished that Wira kept his promise. The sentence means; ______.

a. He kept his promise d. He planned to keep his promise

b. He will keep his promose e. He wanted to keep his promise

c. He didn’t keep his promise


A. Subjuntives

Subjuntive digunakan untuk menyatakan/mengungkapkan kejadian, keinginan ataupun kenyataan yang bertentangan dengan apa yang sesungguhnya ada atau terjadi.

You must remember this !!!

*Jika Subjuntive (wish) berbentuk Positif (+) maka Real Fact_a berbentuk negatif (-).

*Jika Subjuntive (wish) berbentuk negatif (-) maka Real Fact_a berbentuk Positif (+).

Example : * Subjuntive : She wishes, I came to her house. (Kalimat positif)

*Real Fact : I don’t to her house. (kalimat negartif)

Subjuntive terdiri dari 2 bagian yaitu :

a) Untuk menyatakan harapan yang tidak terpenuhi pada saat sekarang ini. (Present Unreal Subjunctives)

Pattern Real Fact

( Subject1 + Wish (ed) + Subject2 + past tense ) ( Subject + to be + Verb1 )

Example : I wish we were living in a world with no war or dispute between countries. The sentence means : _____.

a. We are living in peaceful world

b. We were living in a peaceful world

c. We are not living in a peaceful world

d. We have been living a peaceful world but we didn’t realize it

e. We plan to live in a peaceful world

Jawab : Perhatikan kalimat yang dilingkari, itu merupakan bentuk rumus seperti yang tertera diatas dan ada dalam bentuk positif, maka dari kalimat tersebut kita dapat mengambil kesimpulan bahwa Real Fact_a dalam bentuk negatif adalah “c”.

b) Untuk menyatakan harapan yang tidak terpenuhi dimasa lalu.(Past unreal Subjunctives)

Pattern Real Fact

( Subject + wish (ed) + Subject2 + Past Perfect ) ( Subject + to be + Verb2 )

Example : Vini wished she had won a scholarship. The sentence means _____ .

a. Vini didn’t win a scholarship d. Vini wins a scholarship

b. Vini won a scholarship e. Vini is going to win a scholarship

c. Vini will win a scholarsor

Jawab : Perhatikan kalimat yang dilingkari, itu merupakan bentuk rumus seperti yang tertera diatas dan ada dalam bentuk positif, maka dari kalimat tersebut kita dapat mengambil kesimpulan bahwa Real Fact_a dalam bentuk negatif adalah “a”.

The Best Trick for Subjuntives

Wish 1.Future : Subject + would/could/Verb1/be + Subject + wish (that) + 2.Present: Subject + Verb2/were

Would Rather 3.Past : Subject + had/Verb3/been Subject + could have + Verb3

As if Simple Present : Past (Verb2/were)

As though + mean (real fact) : Present

If only Simple Past : Past Perfect

mean (real fact) : Past

Soal Conjuction

1. We are now _____ depentdent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them.

a. after b. before c. such d. so e. as well as

2. In the future, computers wiil be _____ a complex device that no individual could hope to understand how they work.

a. however b. so c. such d. since e. until

3. “what did your father say when you told him you had lost all your money?”

a. Therefore b. after c. that d. so e. when

4. “why didn’t you print your report at home?”

“I ran out of ink for my printer. It’s ­_____ expensive that I can’t afford it.”

a. such b. very c. so d. such an e. very much

5. “was there any violence during last week’s demonstration?”

“no, _____ there were thousands of demonstrators.”

a. since b. because c. as d. in spite e. eventhough

6. Smoking can be the cause of many illnesses and respiratory disorders; _____ , it may harm non smokers.

a. where as b. however c. in addition d. otherwise e. neverthelves

7. “Mom, why do you insist on my wearing a jacket?”

“­­_____ I’m sure it’s going to be very cold?”

a. until b. since c. Although d. So that e. eventhough

8. “how was the exam?”

“It wasn’t easy _____ I am sure I can pass.”

a. and b. therefore c. but d. so e. causequently

9. _____ there people have died of cholera, the old people of the village refused to get an injection against it.

a. although b. because c. inspite of d. since e. as

10. _____ most people know that the success of a television show is measured by its rating’s, few know exactly how show are rated.

a. although b. however c. since d. because e. neverthelves

11. All the members of the parliament applauded _____ the president was walking to his seat.

a. although b. otherwise c. while d. as e. eventhough

12. _____ Andy seldom attends classes, he is always one of the best student in class.

a. as b. since c. because d. although e. if

13. He said that he had spent all his money on the books, _____ , he could have taken his girlfriend to a good restaurant.

a. moreover b. otherwise c. therefore d. besides e. yet

14. _____ the great invonvenience of travelling, many TV reporters went to the flooded area for their reports.

a. despite b. although c. where as d. however e. neverthelves

15. The expensive treatment had been well researched; however, _____

a. It cured the patient effectively

b. It could comfort the patient

c. It was not very effective

d. It made the patient feel well

e. It did not cause discomfort


A. Conjuntion

The Best Trick for conjuntion

**Jika dalam suatu soal terdapat kata yang memiliki makna yang sama maka kedua kata tersebut harus dihilangkan dari pilihan jawaban, tetapi harus diperhatikan bahwa kata yang memiliki makna yang sama tadi harus sama fungsi pemakaiannya dalam suatu kalimat. Karena Because As + Clause (klausa) Since For
Because of + Phrase (frasa) Due to

Though Eventhough + Clause (klausa) Although
Despite of + Phrase (frasa) In spite of

Tetapi Sehingga
But So (that) Yet Thus Still Hence However Therefore Where as In order that Neverthelves Consequently

Sampai Ke Jika tidak If Not When Unless While Otherwise Meanwhile Or
Ketika Selain itu When Beside While In Addition Meanwhile Moreover Futhermore

Soal Relative Pronoun

1. The President Director of Bank Utama _____ is being accused of corruption, will be taken to court.

a. whom b. who c. whose d. which e. where

2. “who is Ismail Marzuki ?”

“well, He is the Composer _____ many people consider one of the great Indonesia”.

a. whom b. who c. which d. whose e. where

3. I live in the town _____ he was born.

a. whom b. where c. which d. whose e. who

4. This is the latest news about the kidnapping of the richest businessman in town _____ we received a few minutes ago.

a. who b. of which c. where d. whose e. which

5. Hurricanes _____ are born off the cost of Africa often prove the most deadly.

a. who b. whom c. whose d. which e. in which

6. A person _____ comes to live in big cities for a few years usually notice that lifestyle seem to change very fast.

a. who b. of which c. whose d. in which e. from whom

7. I spoke the man _____ wife had been admitted ti the hospital.

a. who b. whom c. which d. whose e. in which

8. The letters was addressed to the lady _____ I met on my way to Australia.

a. who b. in which c. which d. whom e. to which

9. The oldest known bison fossils have been found in China and in the Himalaya foothills _____ an animals with all the essential features of the genus lived a million years ago.

a. where b. to which c. to which d. which e. from whom

10. “what is the pediatriciant ?

“Oh, it’s a doctors _____ specialization is treating children.”

a. whom b. which c. who d. that e. whose

11. These tourist _____ are Japanese, were among the crowd participating in the “dangdut” dance.

a. there are many c. whose many e. they whose

b. many of them d. many of whom

12. Participants of the state university entrance test, _____ are high school graduates frim Java, are competing for a limited number of seats.

a. a lot of them c. most of whom e. which

b. Where d. which most of them

Relative Pronoun

A. Relative Pronoun

Relative Pronoun adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan salah satu pokok kalimat atau bagian kalimat lainnya yang menghubungkan dua buah kalimat menjadi satu buah kalimat majemuk (complex sentence). Kata-kata yang digunakan sebagai penghubung yaitu: who, whom,, whose, which, where dan that.


Jabatan dalam kalimat

Orang (Person)

Benda (thing)

1. Subject

Whom / that

Whom / Which / that

2. Object

Whom / that

Which / that

3. Kepunyaan (Possesive)



Kinds of Relative Pronoun :

a) Person dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu :

à Person _______________ predicate (Auxilary (do/does), verb, to be (is, am, are), modals)

Who / that


Some + Of whom


Example 1 : The teacher _____ don’t spend enough time on class preparation often have difficulty explaining new lesson.

a. who b. that c. in which d. whom e. whom

jawab : Nah berdasarkan rumus diatas kita langsung dapat memilih klo jawaban_a adalah “a”, perhatikan kata yang dilingkari :

kata “the teacher” didalam kalimat merupakan “person” sedangkan kata “don’t (do not)” merupakan auxiliary (negative).

à Person _______________ Subject (I, you, we, he,.……....)

Whom/That (names,………………..…)

(The, a,……………………)

(my, some, many.......)

Example 2 : He introduce me to the lady _____ I met at the station.

a. whose b. that c. with which d. whom e. where

jawab : Nah berdasarkan rumus diatas kita langsung dapat memilih klo jawaban_a adalah “d”, perhatikan kata yang dilingkari : kata “the lady” didalam kalimat merupakan “person” sedangkan kata “I” merupakan subjek.

à Person _______________ {Human Relation (brother, sister, ….)}

Whose {Things (house, Pen, ……………………….}

Example 3 : People _____ business heve been slowing down recently are so depressed that they suffer from various diseases.

a. whose b. that c. in which d. whom e. whom

jawab : Berdasarkan rumus diatas kita langsung dapat memilih klo jawaban_a adalah “a”, perhatikan kata yang dilingkari :

kata “people” didalam kalimat merupakan “person” sedangkan kata “business” merupakan things (benda) dikarenakan ???

You must remember this !!!

*Jika “Human Relation” diikuti kata kepemilikan atau diikuti kata sebelum “Human Relation” misalnya, my friend, the man, etc maka kata itu merupakan “Subject” bukan merupakan sebuah “Human Relation”.

Example : The man _____ my wife.

a. whose b. whom c. who d. that e. which

Jawab : kenapa jawaban_a adalah “b”, hal ini dikarenakan kata “the man” pada kalimat merupakan “person” sedangkan kata “my wife” merupakan “subject”.

Example : The man _____ wife.

a. whose b. whom c. who d. that e. which

Jawab : kenapa jawaban_a adalah “a”, hal ini dikarenakan kata “the man” pada kalimat merupakan “person” sedangkan kata “wife” merupakan “Human Relation”.

b) Impersonal dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu :

à Thing _______________ Subject (bentuk “Subject” sama seperti yang tertera diatas)



Some + Of which


à Thing _______________ Thing (benda) Of Which

c) Place hanya memiliki satu bentuk dasar, yaitu :

à Place _______________ Subject (bentuk “Subject” sama seperti yang tertera diatas) Where In which

You must remember this !!!

*Kata yang dapat ditambahkan “prepotition” didepan_a adalah “which & whom”, dimana : (Prepotition + which / whom ).

Example : The woman _____ I went to the market is my Mom.

a. Where b. whom c. with whom d. who e. from where

Jawab :

à Perhatikan kata-kata yang dilingkari, kata “the woman” pada kalimat tersebut merupakan “person” sedangkan kata “I” merupakan “subjek”.

à Nah dari penjelasan tadi kita dapat mengambil kesimpulan bahwa jawaban_a adalah “ with whom”, kenapa “with whom” bukan “whom”.

à Hal ini dikarenakan maksud dari soal tersebut, “wanita itu ­­­_____ saya ke pasar dengan ibu saya (arti dari soal)", maka dari arti tersebut terbersit bahwa “dengan siapa (with whom)” wanita itu pergi bukan “siapa (whom)” wanita itu pergi.

@ Jika bentuk kalimat_a seperti di bawah ini maka :

Kalimat1 , Kalimat2 , ______ , ______ , dan seterusnya. Maka biasanya memakai bentuk jawaban seperti ini : Most

Some + Of which/ Of whom


Example : The books _____ are about children, are sold in Gramedia.

whose b. which c. whom d. in which e. most of which